
Reduce Your Ecological Footprint One Lease at a Time

In the last decades, the concern for the environment has grown considerably. Several changes have occurred in many industries and households.

Nonetheless, various areas are still behind, as they use paper daily. Of course, the real estate industry used to be no different, but the reign of paper documents is over!

Online management solutions like Proprio Expert and Bail Expert, created by Magex Technologies, now allow real estate professionals to say goodbye to paper!

Our Products and the Environment

Magex Technologies offers innovative and complete online property management solutions to real estate professionals. With our products, we constantly reinvent property management by transposing it online.

Thanks to our management software, thousands of property owners and managers can save time, money, and resources by switching to online management.

We encourage them to make the leap to a property management software that promotes sending emails, and creating and signing documents online. This new era of management allows property owners and managers to make better choices for the environment and reduce their ecological footprint.

Sending documents online still emits CO2, but these emissions are much lower than those of traditional paper documents, which require printing, mailing, and transport.

Our Contribution

To celebrate this transition to more environmentally friendly methods, we have decided to make a commitment.

To reinforce the positive effects of this change, we have partnered with Compensation CO2 Québec as a “compensator.”

We recently launched a campaign in which the sale of each lot of 50 leases will result in the planting of a tree. Every tree will be planted in Quebec, and their growth will be closely monitored by Compensation CO2 Québec’s experts.

Enjoy Our Promotion

We invite you to be a part of this movement by choosing to create and manage your leases online. Time to make your property management more dynamic and reduce your greenhouse gas emissions!

Enjoy our promotion: 10 leases for $39.50!

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